"She comes in incense and patchouli..."Una scena misteriosa... "On a morning from a Bogart movie. In a country where they turned back time. You go strolling in the crowd like Peter Lorre, contemplating a crime. She comes out from the crowd in a silk dress running like a watercolour in the rain. These days - she says - I feel my life just like a river running through the Year of the Cat. On a blue tiled wall by the market stall there's a hidden door she leads you to…"
Note di TestaBergamotto, Mandarino Giallo, Pepe Rosa
Note di Cuore
Assoluta di Gelsomino Sambac, Assoluta di Rosa del Marocco, Accordo Luqaimat, Note Fruttate
Note di Fondo
Incenso, Patchouli, Benzoino, Mirra, Accordo Pelle, Infusione di Ambra Grigia
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